Redeemer is in a search process to find our next Rector. For more information, view our Parish Profile here or download the position description.
Church of the Redeemer

Beth Israel Synagogue
8669 Baypine Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Redeemer Is …
A welcoming, biblical, intergenerational, Anglican community led by the Holy Spirit to equip disciples to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all people by word and action, in order to offer them the fulfilling life, freedom, and hope found in Christ alone. Our denominational affiliation, core values, and beliefs can be found here.
Weekly Schedule

9:00 a.m. Discipleship Hour
Programs for children, teenagers and adults.

6:00 p.m. Community Dinner
Our Wednesday program begins with a shared potluck meal.

6:30 p.m. Children & Youth
Age-appropriate programs conducted by our student ministries.
Small Group Opportunities

Women of the Word
Tuesdays 11:00 a.m.–Noon via zoom

Men's Bible Study
Thursdays 7:00m–8:00 a.m. in-person and via zoom
For other small group opportunities, please contact the church office.
What to Expect When you Visit
Our Greeters will welcome you as you enter. They will happily give you a bulletin and help you find a seat if you’d like. If you need a large print bulletin or information about worship activities designed for children, an usher or greeter can assist you.
Our Sunday worship service begins at 10AM, and our service is about 75 minutes long. Redeemer is an Anglican congregation and our worship is both liturgical and sacramental. All that you need in order to participate will be contained in the bulletin. We encourage people to bring their own Bible (in print or on your electronic device), but if you don’t have one we have them in the chairs.
Children K-5 begin the service in the sanctuary, exit for “children’s church” during the sermon, and return for Communion. Nursery is available for little ones.
If you are a baptized follower of Jesus Christ, you are welcome to receive Communion. The chalice contains wine, and you can choose to drink from the common-cup or dip your wafer. Gluten-free wafers are also available. If you choose not to take Communion, you may either remain seated or you may come forward and receive a prayer of blessing by crossing your arms in front of you.
During Communion and after, trained prayer counselors are available in the prayer chapel to pray with you for physical, emotional, and/or spiritual healing.
The Sunday morning offering is for members of Church of the Redeemer to support the mission of the church. As a guest, you are invited to complete a blue information card and drop that in the offering plate.
Sunday Discipleship hour for all ages begins at 9:00 am and ends at 9:50 am. We offer Sunday School for children age 5 to grade 5, small groups for Middle and High School youth, and an Adult Discipleship Class. We invite you to join us during this time. Nursery is available for little ones. Please note that we take a sabbatical during the month of July.
This time of gathering for fellowship and study begins with a shared potluck meal at 6. Programs for all ages begin at 6:30.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I come to Redeemer if I’m __________?
Of course! We welcome everyone into our doors regardless of how you fill in the blank.
What do I wear to church?
Wear whatever you’re comfortable in. You will commonly see dresses, slacks, khakis, shorts, sneakers, dress shoes, and flip-flops.
What do my kids do on a Sunday morning?
During the summer children remain in the service with their families. Clipboards with activity sheets are available just outside the sanctuary. Those from age 5 through 5th grade are dismissed during the service to Children’s Church, and they rejoin their families for Communion.
Do I have to give money?
Absolutely not. But that doesn’t mean we won’t collect an offering. Our offerings go to support the ministries and mission of Church of the Redeemer – to build relationships between God and his people.
Will I be asked to stand up because I’m a visitor?
No way! But we love it when our guests stop by our Welcome Center to receive a guest bag. It’s full of information about the church, along with a couple of small gifts. What we think is really great is when our guests stay to introduce themselves after the service.
Have a question we didn’t answer here?
Contact the office and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Neil Lebhar, Bishop-in-Residence

Scott Schultz, Associate Rector for Discipleship and Families

Jeanne Higgins, Deacon

Hannah Jones, Worship Director

Shirley Combs, Parish Administrator

Doris Cheshire, Director of Missions and Outreach

Not Walking Alone - Exodus 3:1-15
Mar 23, 2025 •
Rev. Jeanne Higgins
True Faith - Genesis 15:1-18
Mar 16, 2025 •
Bishop Neil Lebhar
The First Creed - Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Mar 9, 2025 •
Bishop Neil Lebhar
Gifted to Love - 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13
Mar 2, 2025 •
Rabbi David Levine
Online Giving
The Give Now button above is the most convenient way to give online. Your offering goes further when you use your own bank's Online Bill Pay feature, which avoids any potential fees.
Meeting & Office Address
8669 Baypine Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 551427
Jacksonville, FL 32255-1427
Office Contact
We are Anglican: a parish of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America.
We are called to make followers who know Christ, grow together, and go into the world.
Redeemer will be a community in which every member is actively engaged in knowing Christ, growing together, and going into the world, both individually and corporately, to advance the Kingdom of God.
Statement of Faith
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
The Jerusalem Declaration
Written in 2008 by the participants in the Global Anglican Future Conference, the Jerusalem Declaration is a contemporary rule of faith to guide the Anglican movement, whose goal is to reform, heal and revitalize the Anglican Communion and expand its mission to the world. You can read the entirety of the statement here.